
Hello and welcome! My name is Melissa and I'm the person behind Romance Bargains. Two of my favorite things are happy-ever-after romance stories and finding a bargain. This website combines those two loves.

It's hard to find me anywhere without my Kindle along with me; I don't know how I ever managed to live without one. At first I was hesitant about the whole ebook thing, I'm a person who loves real books and have shelves upon shelves full to prove it. But after receiving one for a gift, I'm now hooked! I am usually reading a few books at once and am always stocking it full of new books that I find. Because I am an avid reader, I am always on the lookout for books that are not only good but that are also cheap. This website is a place where I will share my finds and offer a service to both readers and authors. Romance fans can find new books to download and authors can have an outlet to showcase their work or share a promotion that they're running. And don't worry if you don't have a Kindle, you can download the Kindle app here to use on your phone, tablet or computer.

As this site grows, I want to focus on what romance readers want and I'd love to hear from you, so send me an email at romancebargains@gmail.com and tell me what you like about the site or what you'd like to see on it (for example, do you like getting deals in your inbox every day or would you prefer just 2 or 3 days a week?). If you like the books you see featured here, please share with fellow readers via Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets. And don't forget to sign up on the right side of the page to get the latest deals sent to you.

Thank you for visiting,


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